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PD Imagine Animals Storage Set

159.00 QR

199.00 QR


Play-Doh Imagine Animals Storage Set F7381, Comes with 8 colourful Play Doh cans and severl other Animal moulds and Accessories.

-The Play-Doh Little Chefs Starter Set, has plenty of fun tools for kids to cut, roll, mold, and squish their Play-Doh & can provide your kids with their very own play area to spark their creativity & joy !
-The cover of the storage case also doubles as a removable play surface with a variety of textures to add imprints to creations and keep the Play-Doh fun off the table
-The storage case comes with 4 compartments and a snap-on cover, making it easy to store and organize all the pieces and cans when playtime is over
-There are over 20 Play-Doh tools, 8 Play-Doh colors, a storage case and a detachable play surface
-This pack comes with 56 gram cans of Play-Doh in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink and white
-These creative toys are great activities for children who love art and craft supplies

Product dimension:
Long: 7 cm
Width: 27 cm
Height: 33 cm
Weight: 1 kg

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199.00 QR
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